Task timer app
Task timer app

task timer app

The world’s 1 task manager and to-do list app.

task timer app

Still, I wish the timer configuration screen included an option to repeat the alert sound until you stopped the timer. Become focused, organized, and calm with Todoist. I’m guessing that App Cubby chose this approach because, with the capability to have up to 15 timers, you could end up with multiple alerts playing over each other, with no way to tell which sound goes with which timer. Granted, the timer’s button continues to flash and, as I noted, the timer counts up, so it’s easy enough to figure out that a timer is done, but if I set my phone down on the kitchen counter and go to the next room, I occasionally miss a timer alert. One other minor complaint is that when an alarm ends, its alert sound plays only once. My only complaint here is that I wish Timer added a minus (-) sign when counting up to make it even clearer that what you’re seeing is “stoppage time.” Rather, once a timer reaches zero, it rolls right on through and counts up, so if you missed the alert, you know exactly how long ago the timer ended. In a clever “Why don’t they all do this?” touch, Timer’s timers don’t stop at zero. Timer lets you pre-configure the time, label, color, and alert sound for each alarm. When one finishes, you hear whatever alert sound you’ve configured for that timer you also see an onscreen alert, and the timer’s button flashes until you tap the button to stop it. You can have as many timers running concurrently as you want, making Timer perfect for cooking. While a timer is running, its button “glows” and you see, on the button itself, the timer counting down. If you’re crazy for these add-ons, $10 gets you everything currently available, as well as all future add-ons.) (Though Timer is free, you can purchase, for $1 or $2, UI bundles of themes, sounds, and graphics to further customize the app and timers.

#Task timer app skin

You can also give the entire app an alternate skin if you’re not a fan of the stock look. These options make it easy to quickly find the right timer-for example, my frozen pizza timer displays a slice of pizza on its button. Tap and hold any timer-pre-configured or open-and you can choose that timer’s alert sound you can also choose a button color, as well as a text or graphic label. Tap any pre-configured timer to start it tap any ad-hoc timer to be prompted for the time (setting the time automatically starts the timer). For each timer, you can choose either a specific length of time or opt to be prompted for the duration on the fly-on my iPhone, I’ve got nine timers pre-configured, with the remaining six open.

Task timer app